For the encouragement of Scientific Research



Bylaws of the Sigma Xi Chapter, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

I. Name and Purpose

a. The name of this chapter shall be the Sigma Xi Chapter of Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

b. The purpose of this chapter shall be to promote the aims of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, at Southern Illinois University.

II. Membership

a. Individuals may become members of the SIUC Chapter by:

1) promotion or election by the Chapter membership, and payment of current dues, or

2) transfer of their affiliation to the Chapter from another chapter and payment of current dues.

b. Members and Associate Members of the Society of the Sigma Xi in good standing but not associated with Southern Illinois University may be accepted as affiliated Members or affiliated Associate Members of the Chapter.

III. Officers

a. The officers of the Chapter shall be a President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Web Administrator. Their duties shall be those usually pertaining to such offices. In addition, the President-Elect shall serve as Program Chairman.

b. The term of office for the President and President-Elect shall be one year, with the President-Elect automatically succeeding to the presidency and the President automatically succeeding to the past-presidency. The Secretary, Treasurer, and Web Administrator shall serve for two years. All terms begin on the July 1st following election.

c. Election of officers shall be held in April by mail poll of the entire membership. The ballots shall make provision for a write-in vote for each office. In the event of a tie vote, the tie will be broken by the draw of a card, toss of a coin, or a similar chance event agreeable to the tied candidates and carried out in their presence and that of the President or Past-President who will certify the outcome.

d. The Secretary shall be elected in April of the even-numbered years and the Treasurer and Web Administrator in April of the odd-numbered years.

e. Only active Members and Associate Members of the Sigma Xi Chapter of Southern Illinois University may hold office in the Chapter.

f. Nominations for President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Web Administrator are to be made in the appropriate years by the Past-President who may choose to create and Chair a Nominating Committee or who may create a ballot him-/herself with the approval of the Executive Committee.

g. In the case of a vacancy or inability to serve in the office of President-Elect, the President shall appoint an interim Program Chairman who will not be President-Elect. At the next regular election both a President and a President-Elect will be elected.

h. In the case of a vacancy in the offices of Secretary, Treasurer or Web Administrator, the President shall fill the office by appointment. The appointee shall hold the office until the completion of the term of office.

i. In case of a vacancy in the office of President, the remaining members of the Executive Committee will elect a President by majority vote.

j. In g, h, i, above, the office of President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Web Administrator will be deemed vacant if a majority of the Executive Committee so agrees.

IV. Committees

a. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and the immediate Past-President.

b. The Program Committee shall consist of the President-Elect as Chairman and, if desired, additional members of the chapter appointed by the President. The Program Committee shall be organized soon after the annual election and be responsible for the program of the following fiscal year.

c. The Committee on Admissions shall consist of the chapter President, who shall be chairman ex officio, the President-Elect, who shall be recorder ex officio without vote, six members elected for staggered three-year terms, and one student member elected for a one-year term. Two members and one student member will be elected each year at the annual election from a slate of four provided by the Nominating Committee. In the event of a tie vote, the tie will be broken as specified in III c. The Committee shall consider nominations for Members and Associate Members as provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society and recommend to the Chapter for vote during the winter term those candidates approved by a majority of the Committee. The Committee on Admissions shall also, after requesting nominations during the fall semester, recommend to the membership at the annual business meeting the nominee for the Rose and Essie Padgett Scholarship Award. In the event a committee member is unable to complete his or her term the President shall appoint a replacement member who would serve the remainder of the resigning member's term.

d. The Nominating Committee shall consist of four members, appointed by the President, and the immediate past-president who shall act as Chairman. Prior to April 10, the Nominating Committee shall report its proposed nominations at the business meeting of the Chapter, at which time additional nominations from the floor will be entertained.

e. The Kaplan Award Committee shall consist of three members appointed by the President. The Committee shall consider nominations for the Kaplan Award and, after deliberation, submit its recommendations to the President.

f. The President shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for in the Bylaws and shall make appointments to all interim vacancies.

V. Meetings

a. Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee, provided only that the number and the nature of the meetings shall meet at least the requirements of the Society of Sigma Xi.

b. The agenda of the business meetings is to be determined by the Executive Committee, with provision for business to be brought up from the floor.

c. The members present at the business meeting shall constitute a quorum, provided that all members are notified of the meeting and the agenda in writing at least one week in advance.

d. The non-business meetings are to be arranged by the Program Committee.

VI. Dues

a. National and local dues shall be collected through the National Society which will remit the amount of local dues to the Chapter Treasurer. Local dues shall be established by mail vote of the members.

b. The fiscal year shall be July 1 to June 30.

VII. Amendments

Amendments of the Bylaws shall be by majority of the votes cast, conducted by postal or electronic mail poll.


    rev. 8/2011

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This page was last updated 30 August 2011