The Executive Committee consists of the four officers and the immediate Past-President.

The charter for the SIUC Chapter hangs in the office of Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost. The Society headquarters office publication titled Officers' Handbook is available to guide Chapter activities. The Chapter's Bylaws give additional guidance.


1. Plan and preside over business meeting(s). Plan and chair the Annual Business Meeting, including preparation and printing of the agenda. Chair the Executive Committee.

2. Request financial support for the public lecture program from the SIUC Vice President for Academic Affairs at the beginning of the fiscal year (in FY2000, the Provost declined support, thus requests were made to SIUC deans instead).

3. Chair the Committee on Admissions. The committee shall consist of the President as Chair, the President-Elect as Recorder (without vote), and six members elected for staggered three-year terms. By tradition, the Secretary is invited (without vote) to attend committee meetings to assist.

4. Coordinate and manage recognition of regional Outstanding Science and Math Teacher, including invitation to the Chapter's annual spring banquet, ordering of plaque and $25 stipend from Society headquarters (see Society's web pages), formal recognition at banquet, and arrange Chapter's supplement to stipend.

5. Coordinate and manage program to recognize Outstanding Mentor of Undergraduate Research.

6. Coordinate nominations and prepare certificate/plaque for Padgett and Kaplan Awards. The Committee on Admissions may assist review of nominations for the Padgett Scholarship Award. The Kaplan Award Committee, consisting of three Chapter members appointed by the President, reviews nominations and submits its recommendations to the President. (Announcement and request for awards nominations should be sent to members by early November; reminder to membership is usually needed in January along with a reminder for new member/promotion nominations.) Transfer of monies to the Padgett Scholarship winner are to be coordinated through the accountant for the College of Science (536-6666).

7. Plan and chair ceremony of Annual Spring Banquet, including preparation and printing of the program.


1. In the absence of the President, the President-Elect assumes the responsibilities of the President.

2. Arrange and manage guest speaker program throughout the academic year, including correspondence and arrangements with speakers, public announcements, room scheduling, refreshments (if any), and introductions. Assist President with request to SIU Administration for financial support for the lecture program. The Program Committee (if any) shall consist of the President-Elect and additional members appointed by the President. Lecture program funds are kept in the College of Science Activities account managed by the COS accountant (536-6666).

3. Arrange and manage annual Sigma Xi poster conference, including planning meetings, announcements, scheduling of facilities, setup and takedown of posters, and printing of abstract booklet. This used to be a joint program called "Annual Research Day" with Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Delta Kappa, and Society of Neuroscience in conjunction with the Illinois Science and Humanities Symposium. More recently, it has been part of the annual Research Town Meeting in the spring, hosted by the Office of theVice Chancellor for Research and the Graduate Dean.

4. Schedule and make arrangements for the Annual Business Meeting of mid-February plus the Annual Banquet in April. Send announcements and reservation forms to all members in advance of these events.

5. Serve on the Executive Committee, Endowed Speaker Program Committee, as well as recorder for Committee on Admissions.


1. Chair the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee may consist of up to four members, appointed by the President, plus the immediate Past-President who shall act as Chair. Two nominees are chosen from the active membership for President-Elect, Secretary (even years), and Treasurer (odd years), and four nominees are recommended for the Committee on Admissions. (Names of nominees are due by the February business meeting. Consent of nominees should be obtained in advance.)

2. Serve on the Executive Committee.


1. Manage the collection, banking, and recordkeeping of Chapter dues and other income. Coordinate with the Society headquarters office all "local support" and "local dues" payments (see Officers' Handbook). Encourage inactive individuals to pay their dues and maintain an active status in the Chapter and Society. Notify the Chapter's Executive Committee when nominees and officeholders are on inactive status.

2. Supervise the financial affairs of the Chapter, maintain up-to-date records of all income and dispersal, and pay in a timely manner the financial obligations incurred by the Chapter. Provide written summary at the Annual Business Meeting.

3. Serve on the Executive Committee and Endowed Speaker Program Committee.


1. Maintain the current mailing list and provide copies of mailing labels to the officers, as requested.

2. Coordinate the nomination process for promotion and new members. Initiate a request for nominations from the membership in the Fall semester, follow-up with a reminder in late November, and have all nomination materials ready for review by the Committee on Admissions by late January.

4. Process paperwork with Headquarters, including correspondence regarding new members and promotions.

3. Conduct the annual election of Chapter officers and the new members for the Committee on Admissions.

4. Bring out-going president and new member certificates, roster, banner, name badges, and the Chapter's charter to annual banquet.

5. By late June, submit the Chapter's annual report to Society headquarters plus a list of new Chapter officers.

6. Serve on the chapter Executive Committee.

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This Web page was created by George Waring in 1999. Correspondence pertaining to it should be sent to -- ldilalla@siu.edu

This page was last updated 11 May 2010